
Friday Oct 06, 2023
000 You Are Welcome
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Welcome home, Victor.
Check out what to expect from the INVICTUS Pepcast.
To learn more, head over to
Hi, this is INVICTUS.
We are excited to be starting this pepcast, which we have been planning for so long.
However, this pepcast is not about us.
It's about you.
Because you are THE ONE.
So, let us quickly explain what you can expect from the upcoming audio sequences.
Sure enough, you know about podcasts.
As a modern coeval, you might have been listening to some of them.
The problem with most podcasts is that they are made for consumption and advertising.
So, once again, you are meant to be the prey.
The INVICTUS Pepcast is different.
It's designed to invite you to the other side.
We encourage you to be the hunter, not the prey.
We are not doing temporary motivation stuff here.
Over the seasons, we will lift you higher and higher, helping you to remember who you really are and what you came here for.
We support the journey you are already on.
Hence, we are not here to tell you the truth.
We are not here to tell you what is right or what is wrong.
Instead, we are here to encourage you to find and live your very own truth.
While doing so, we are always straight to the point.
Each pepcast episode will last no longer than 10 minutes with no fluff and no fillers.
INVICTUS is strictly about empowering people.
We don't care much about politics, religion, or other ideologies.
We only care about people.
You will hear us speak in different voices.
However, we won't host dull interviews with boring small talk or vain storytelling.
We are not into personality cults or advertising certain so-called experts.
That's because you are the only expert for your life.
You are THE ONE.
We are not here to complain about the things that are or have been.
Together with you, we are here to contribute to the things that will be.
So each INVICTUS Pepcast episode will contain an explicit Call to Action.
That call goes out to you and calls you to answer.
It calls you to act.
So over to you, Victor.
Will you answer the call?
If the answer is Yes, head over to the next episode of the INVICTUS Pepcast.
And whenever you have questions or feedback, don't hesitate to contact INVICTUS.
The content of the INVICTUS Pepcast corresponds with the INVICTUS THE ONE training, which you can find on the INVICTUS website.
The INVICTUS Pepcast is also available on Spotify, Apple and Google Podcasts and other sources.
Keep in mind that at those places, you will frequently be presented with propaganda.
Train to overhear that and focus on the actual content.
In fact, opportunity spotting is one of many Victor skills you will relearn following the INVICTUS training.
Welcome home, Victor.
You are THE ONE.

Sunday Oct 08, 2023
001 About Us
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Vision. Mission. Position. Let's talk about who we are and what we came here for. For more answers, check or contact INVICTUS.
Welcome back, Victor.
It's good to have you again and we can get to know each other more closely.
Let's start by introducing the INVICTUS thing to you.
In doing so, we refer back to the FAQ page, which you can also find on the INVICTUS website.
Thus, allow us to answer the most common questions right on the spot.
As always, if you have more questions or feedback, never hesitate to contact INVICTUS.
So here we go.
First and foremost, INVICTUS is an attitude.
It’s that specific mindset of being unsubdued.
The term originates from the Latin language and can be translated as undefeated, unconquered, or invincible.
You are.
It’s that special part in you that is still unconquered and refuses to ever be oppressed.
The part that clearly knows that you are not here to suffer from fear, weakness, and victimhood.
Who is involved?
Many different people and organizations are.
INVICTUS itself does not reveal any names or numbers.
Is INVICTUS a Company, a Government Organisation, or an NGO?
No, it is neither of these.
What's the INVICTUS vision?
The overall INVICTUS vision can be put in one word: Freedom.
What's the INVICTUS mission?
The INVICTUS mission is empowering people.
We believe that only strong people can constitute a free world.
Hence, we contribute by combatting fear, weakness, and victimhood.
What's the INVICTUS position?
We advocate freedom by providing strategic advisory, training, and organizational support.
Is INVICTUS a political thing?
No, it is not.
We don’t believe much in politics.
We believe in people only.
Is it a religion, a cult, or a sect?
No, it’s definitely not.
Now, over to you, Victor.
What are your answers?
How do you introduce yourself when approached by someone new?
What do you tell them about your ONE vision, ONE mission, and ONE position in this great game of life?
Meet you in the next episode of the INVICTUS Pepcast.
Remember, you are THE ONE.

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
002 The Definition Of Freedom
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
As a freedom maniac, you should always have a clear definition of that ONE big word. Here is ours.
We owe you an explanation, Victor.
You have heard us using that ONE big word fluently: Freedom.
Hence, allow a little time to inspect what we are talking about here.
As a Victor, you are used to always saying what you mean and meaning what you say.
However, not all are like you.
Approximately 8 billion human minds are out there—each with unique content.
Thus, when talking to a fellow human, always ensure consent about the essential terms and definitions both of you are using.
It doesn't make much sense when you talk about a nine while your mate has a six in mind, right?
If you are a Freedom maniac like us, that ONE word will constantly pour out of your own mouth as well: Freedom
So be sure not only to know what you are talking about.
Also, make sure that others instantly understand what you mean.
So that they can quickly decide how to deal with you.
That's especially important when it comes to team building and teamwork, which we will also be discussing a lot.
There are many BIG words out there, and Freedom surely is ONE of those BIG words people use in different contexts.
It also appears to be a problematic word since there is no universal definition of Freedom.
Make the test by asking ten people about their definitions, and be surprised at what you will get.
You may find that the more specific the answers are, the more challenging it is to come to a mutual understanding of Freedom.
That's why INVICTUS prefers a more general definition, which most members can agree with.
We will provide you with that in just a minute.
But before we do, let us remind you once again that we are not here to tell you the truth.
We are not here to suggest what is right or wrong.
INVICTUS' position is to inspire you to know your very own truth.
It is your life.
You write the code.
You decide what's going on in your head and what you choose to believe.
With this said, our definition of Freedom is short:
Basically, there are only two simple guidelines to follow:
First, live your life to the fullest and prosper to your liking.
And second, allow others to do just the same while never attempting to harass another being.
Over to you, Victor.
What is your definition of Freedom?
Say it out loud to yourself and see how it feels.
It's also a good idea to write it down and take it with you wherever you go.
If you don't have an instant answer to that question, no problem.
Carry it around in your head for a while. You can also finetune your answer whenever you feel so.
And if you already like to extravert, how about asking your 5 best friends exactly that same question:
Hey, Buddy, what's your definition of Freedom?
Move on, Victor.
You are THE ONE.
Meet you in the next episode of the INVICTUS Pepcast.

Thursday Oct 12, 2023
003 We Live By A Code
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Life is for living, not for losing. Don’t let the Orcs capture your system. Take back control by writing your own life code.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
- Marcus Aurelius
Welcome back, Victor.
Like it or not, your life runs on a specific program.
Just like the operating system on your Mac or PC, nothing in life works without it.
A good portion of this program is divine.
Gods, or whatever you wish to call those universal software engineers, have implemented it on your hard drive at an early stage.
You entered the game of life with some initial settings.
That part of your program still does many magical tricks.
Amongst others, it takes care that you don't forget to breathe even when you're asleep or drunk as hell and that you eat drink digest and shit regularly.
Your divine program has its sole purpose of keeping you alive, supporting your expansion, and ensuring the reproduction of the marvelous material you are made of.
Fortunately, the human operating system is somewhat open source.
Thus it allows us to install various apps during our lifetime.
This kick-ass feature is well-known as personality development, and there's endless potential for that.
However, our system is also most vulnerable.
The Army of Orcs is out there to capture it.
They aim to install some self-made apps on our machines so that we may operate under foreign control.
Much of the INVICTUS training is about self-defense.
It's a comprehensive anti-virus tool to keep your system clean and secure from ongoing attacks.
Even more, INVICTUS puts you back in power so that you can write your own code for your one-of-a-kind game of life.
We equip you with some special armament for the quest you are already on.
In total alignment with divine intention, we have nothing else in mind other than your expansion.
With our trainings, we fully follow that approach.
You will learn that the magic is yours.
You will rediscover the powerful capabilities you are blessed with as a human being.
Life does not happen by default.
It happens by design.
And you can start designing your life today.
The Code Is Yours
If you want different results, you need to write a different code for your life.
That's what we will support you in.
Further down the road, you will learn how you can support others in writing THEIR life code.
So, it all starts with you.
That's the power of ONE.
By writing your personal life code, you can smoothly choose your perspective, unlock your power, shift your productivity, and scale your profit.
In other words, you will emerge as the strongest and most authentic version of yourself.
The facts will set you free.
Because you will own the facts.
We are not here to take away the pain from you but to empower you to take the pain away yourself.
Remember, life is for living, not for losing.
Take back control, Victor.
You Have Everything You Need
You might wonder what it takes to write your own life code.
Well, basically, not much more than a pen and paper.
Honestly, Victor.
Keep it simple.
Do not build obstacles where there are none.
Take a blank sheet of paper to start your personal codebook.
You can type your code into a digital file on your desktop or mobile device as well.
A physical notebook is also fine.
Just DO it.
Your personal code is simply a list of snippets or code lines you will frequently update and roll forward.
Each code line summarizes your revelations and conclusions from a specific part of your journey.
Over time this will add up to a robust framework where all code lines will harmoniously link into one another, giving you the power to run your own life operating system without many distractions.
In the beginning, we will frequently give you a code line suggestion.
Take it just as it is- it's a suggestion.
You can steal it from us if it matches your revelations and conclusions.
If that's not the case, phrase your individual code line.
Remember to keep your code line short.
It should be at most 2 or 3 sentences.
The shorter you can put your statement, the stronger it is.
No fluff. No fillers. No storytelling.
Let's start right away.
Write your first line of code now.
Code Line Suggestion
From today on, I will write my own life code.
Meet you in the next episode, Victor.
You are THE ONE.

Thursday Oct 12, 2023
004 Memento Mori
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Always start with the end in mind. There is only ONE THING that is sure as death. And that is death itself. What now, Victor?
Death smiles at all of us.All one can do is smile back.- Marcus Aurelius
Salute, Victor.
Now that we have become friends let's talk straight.
You will die.
As it happens, there is only ONE THING that is sure as death.
And that is death itself.
You can freak out about this, but it won't change anything.
Not one of us will get out of it alive.
At least your physical existence will come to an inevitable end.
That's just how it goes, Victor.
Always remember, you will die.
MEMENTO MORI means just that.
This short Latin phrase reminds us of the impermanence of human life at any given moment.
Although we might not have any idea about our personal expiration date, that particular day will come without a doubt.
How do you deal with this fundamental issue?
Do you suppress it?
Does the certainty of death frighten you?
Do you think it is not worth caring about anything seriously anyway because you could pass away any minute?
Or do you have the understanding that every remaining moment in this world is infinitely precious?
Do you possibly have the idea to get the best out of your limited attendance on planet Earth?
The fact that you have joined INVICTUS already proves that your life matters to you.
Thank you for being here, Victor.
Essentially, this INVICTUS Pepcast is an invitation to you on a deeper level.
An invitation to remember who you are and what you are here for.
It is an invitation to live your authentic, fulfilled life as the unique individual you are.
We want to inspire you to take advantage of the time you have left with us while living your true life and cooperating with others.
It is YOUR life.
Every life is unique.
So we can't offer you a one-fits-all recipe for anything.
But we can support you in finding your own intelligent answers to the questions that life keeps asking you.
That's the only way it makes sense.
After all, it is YOUR life.
Thus, the answers to all those questions can only be found within you.
That's why you won't get any advice from us, but so-called checkpoints to consider.
Always decide for yourself which checkpoints you want to look at more closely and experiment freely with them.
Let's DO it now.
Here are our checkpoints for this unit.
Not every impulse will make sense to you.
So you don't have to search hard for an answer to each of the questions offered.
Just let yourself be inspired and get surprised by the thoughts that grow within you.
Discover which answers already exist in you.
Have fun Victor and Memento Mori!
What is your attitude toward death so far?
Which thoughts (ideas, conceptions, fears, etc.) do you associate with it?Have you ever thought about what to be, do, have, accomplish, and create before you die?
Do you have something like the ultimate to-do list for your life?
Maybe you feel something even stronger inside.
Something like your own personal meaning of life?
A purpose?
How do you feel about joyfully dancing the last dance of your life (the one with the Grim Reaper)?
Because you know that you have lived every moment of your life to the fullest.
Code Line Suggestion
Memento Mori. I will die.
Over to you, Victor.
Meet you in the next episode.
You are THE ONE.
Memento Mori.

Sunday Oct 15, 2023
005 How Long, Victor?
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Time waits for no one. Once you have acknowledged the impermanence of human life, the next question suggests itself. How long are you going to live, Victor? The facts will set you free. So you better know your number.
You can find the life chart mentioned in this episode here.
Time is the soul of this world.- Pythagoras
Welcome back, Victor.
Having chatted casually about death, let's talk exclusively about life from now on, Victor.
How long will you live?
Do you really want to leave this question entirely to fate?
Do you truly have no clue?
We have found that most people very well do have some idea about how long they will stay in their current circle of life on this wonderful blue planet.
That is why we do not want to give away the opportunity to let you think about it.
So, take a few minutes in silence to ask yourself that short question.
See if any number comes up in your mind.
Don't get upset, whatever the number, even if it's 120 or something like that.
Just take the number presented to you and recognize how familiar it feels.
You can even take more time on this.
Allow yourself to carry that particular question around in your head for a few days or weeks until the answer is revealed to you.
You are also free to change your number at any time if you should receive an answer that feels more accurate to you.
The idea here is to always have your personal number as a reference.
That's useful as it gives life and death some kind of mathematical framework to deal with.
However, If you don't hear that mystic inner voice whispering any number to you, or if you rather believe in statistics and numbers others have computed, let's go from there.
The average life expectancy in the U.S. in 2022 was 79.05 years.
If you live in another part of the world, research the appropriate numbers.
For simplification, we will use 80 as the overall average number for further reference if you don't have a better one.
Now, let's take it one step further.
Put your life expectancy number in proportion to your current age.
So, let's assume that your number is 80, and you are 52 today.
Thus, it's simple math to find out that there are 28 years left to go.
It's time to write your next line of code, Victor.
Code Line Suggestion
I intend to live for (fill in the blank) years.
That's (fill in the blank) years to go.
Painting a Picture
Now, just for fun, let's take it even one step further.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
So why not create a nice picture of what you have discovered so far?
Let's make these dry numbers more handsome.
Here's an interesting way of presenting it.
However, for some folks, it isn't very comforting.
For some others, it is highly energizing instead.
Let's stick to the statistics and roughly estimate that your life will last about 80 years.
That would equal an undisputed 960 months.
In the graphic you can find on the INVICTUS Pepcast Website, each box represents one of these months.
The red ones are already used up if you are 52 years of age today.
You can still pick the green ones.
You can put your own numbers in proportion here.
If you want to create a personal life chart online, you can do so on a site we have also linked from the INVICTUS Pepcast Website.
However, an optimistic assumption of 90 years of life is made there.
Now, let these mathematical truths have a little effect on you.
And then decide for yourself how you want to deal with it.
Also, consider whether you can afford to mark another month in red without noticeably improving certain things in your life.
Whatever you decide, there's only ONE THING that remains certain:
Time waits for no one.
This is THE ONE life you have, Victor.
Memento mori.
Code Line Suggestion
Time is running out. I won't waste another day.
Meet you in the next episode, Victor.
You are THE ONE.

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
006 Natural Born Millionaire (864)
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
The facts will set you free. Here comes another one, Victor. You are a fcking millionaire. Accept your fate.
"Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend." – Theophrastus.
Welcome back, Victor.
Since we've already discussed some numbers, let's bring in another magic count.
We all might be pretty variable in our numbers.
For example, we might have a different height, weight, belly girth, or shoe size.
The numbers in our bank accounts may also be fairly unequal.
However, there's one particular number that we all have in common.
It puts all of us on the same level, no matter how old we are, how rich we are, or wherever we live.
It makes us equal.
It's ultra-socialistic, if you will.
86,400 is the number of seconds we all have at our disposal every single day.
The good news is that your daily time account will be filled up each time the sun rises again.
So, every new day, you will be gifted with another 86,400.
Totally free of charge.
The bad news, however, is that this deal won't last forever.
As we've discussed earlier, your individual expiration date will come dead sure.
So, at this time, you can already estimate how many fresh seconds you can expect from life.
You could even get a calculator and punch in your personal numbers.
Following our so far example, the math would be like this.
28 years to go.
28 years multiplied by 365 days equals 10,220 days.
10,220 days multiplied by 86,400 seconds equals 883,008,000 seconds left for you.
So, over 800 million.
Just do the math according to your own life forecast from the previous episode.
After that, take a few moments to look at your numbers and notice what you feel about them.
You may recognize that there's a huge asset granted to you.
The numbers might even be overwhelming.
It's perfectly okay to feel like a millionaire.
Because you truly are.
You are a time millionaire.
Nevertheless, keep in mind that life will also mercilessly subtract a respectable amount of 86,400 seconds from your account - day by day.
You might feel the desire to spend some time thinking about what to do with your time asset.
So go ahead.
Let your thoughts run wild.
And when you come back, add another line of code to your codebook.
Code Line Suggestion
I have a treasure inside.
Every new day, I have 86,400 fresh and unique seconds at my disposal.
I choose to use this asset wisely.
Think about the generally accepted idea of time-saving.
Is it actually possible to save time, like money in your bank account or water in a bucket?
86,400, or simply 864, is the magic number in your life, Victor.
So don't be surprised if another INVICTUS member comes up to you, asking, "Hey, how's your 864?"
That's just our language for "How are you doing?"
Meet you in the next episode, Victor.
You are THE ONE.

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
007 A Life-Or-Death Issue
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
The Orcs are out, looking for their daily prey. There are only two options. So we have to make a decision. Every fcking day, Victor.
Even a second of freedom is worth more than a lifetime of bondage.- Voltaire
Welcome back, Victor
Life is an active matter.
You have to do it yourself, independently, at your own risk, and on your own responsibility.
Those who stop living are dead.
That's pure logic.
Some would even call it a fact.
And remember, the facts will set you free.
Our decision and commitment to life needs to be renewed regularly - Ideally daily.
Those who refuse to live actively may still be among us, though they stagger around in Zombie mode.
Concerning this matter, there's a radical concept that divides humans into two groups:
Hunters and Prey.
People who repress death and don't value their time become prey.
They fall asleep.
They get lost in routines and agree to rotten compromises.
They put off until tomorrow what should be done today.
They become prey to their own habits and the expectations of others.
On the other hand, people who acknowledge death honor their time and live fully awake.
They break through their routines again and again.
They risk more because they realize that life is always uncertain.
They move through the day like hunters.
Those people are on the hunt for power and progression, performance, and profit.
Nature is always in progress.
And so are we as human beings.
As prey, you are not aware of how precious life actually is.
You just live one day after the other.
You live on autopilot.
That's a most dangerous position.
Because basically, you are just being lived.
You are passive.
You are a puppet on a string.
Even if you're messing around with something from early morn till midnight, year after year (also known as the rat race), you never control the game.
Being the prey means nothing more than being a most welcome target for anyone else.
It means being the daily victim of circumstances, relationships, the government, the media, and other Orcs out there.
For a hunter, this position is unbearable.
The hunters are hunting for life.
They know that they will progress as long as they live.
And that they will live as long as they progress.
Hunters constantly feel deep inside their hearts that the status quo can never be the end of anything.
Instead, it's just a new beginning of something.
Every new day, we must decide whether to be the hunter or the prey.
To be a victim or a victor.
What if you refuse to make that decision?
Well, in the great game of life, you will be officially nominated right on the spot as "the prey of the day."
So it's a life-or-death issue, Victor.
And it deems an excellent idea to make that active decision every fucking day, right?
So, Over to you, Victor.
What do you choose today?
Hunter or Prey?
Victory or Victimhood?
Victor or Victim?
Code Line Suggestion
I choose to be no prey. I'd rather be a hunter of life. I choose victory over victimhood.
Take this seriously, Victor.
The facts will set you free.
Because you will own the facts.
You will control the game.
We've already started.
Meet you in the next episode.
You are THE ONE.

Saturday Oct 21, 2023
008 The Facts Will Set You Free
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
The past has passed. Leave it behind, and with it, all the lies that Sauron and the Orcs have been feeding you since your early childhood. It's time to own the facts, Victor. Stop lying.
A lie cannot live. - Martin Luther King Jr.
OK, Victor.
We have had a smooth warm-up so far.However, this is not your ballet class!
So let's pass on to the hard stuff, aka the things that will set you free.
Get ready for the strategies that ultimately position you to win and win back your life and your future.
Change from victimhood to victory forever by applying the strategies of a true Victor.
Here comes the first and most profound one:
Along this Pepcast, you will frequently hear us shout this phrase:
Because we know that you've been lying.
Not once. Not twice, but hundreds of thousands of times.
Some scientists believe that people in Western cultures lie up to 200 times per day.
However, we don't care much about your daily stupid lies, like automatically responding "Fine!" whenever someone comes up with their equal stupid, "How are you?"
We are out for the big ones.
We want those huge lies that you've been telling over and over again to yourself and others.
The ones that are holding you down in prison.
Take this, Victor.
Lying has been part of your life strategy for years now.
Lying brought you to the prison you are in.
Lying contributed to what you are today.
You ARE a fcking liar.
A prisoner of lies.
No problem if you feel offended by those words.
That's what you are right now.
And if you think it's not you...
... Well, it's even more you.
So, before we move on to the following episodes, let us torture you with this.
Sit down for a while.
Think about the lies you've been telling in the last 24 hours, during the last week, the last month, the last year, and as long as you can remember.
Also, think about the effect of your lies.
Where have they brought you to?
What is the cost of those lies?
What price have you been paying while telling your fcking lies?
Make some notes on your revelations.
And Victor, don't fool yourself again.
If you insist on claiming that you've never lied before, you are indeed the greatest liar of all time.
In that case, it's more than suitable that you will stay in prison for eternity.
If you genuinely want to win and win back your life, you need to own the facts.
Facts are the total opposite of lies.
There's no room for the facts if you are full of lies, Victor.
The facts will set you free, and we will show you how that works.
But it will only work if you are willing to let go of the lies, one after the other.
So take your time.
We invite you to that deeper conversation with yourself.
Sit, think, write, get clear about your lies, and prepare to welcome your new honest version of yourself while we move along.
The Past Has Passed
By the way, we don't care where your fcking lies come from.
We know that Sauron and the Orcs have been feeding you with lies since your early childhood.
However, the past is called the past because it has just passed.
There is nothing to gain for you in the past.
It's over.
The only time for you to manipulate is the future, and you can only do so by strategic thinking and acting in the present.
More on this later.
For now, make the strategic decision to let go of your lies.
The times of victimhood are over, Victor.
You are no longer THEIR prey.
Over to you, Victor.
Memento Mori.
Tomorrow's 864 are in your hands.
Start chasing the lies to leave them behind.
Only the facts will set you free.
Because you will be the master of the facts.
Code Line Suggestion
I am willing to let go of all the lies and replace them with the facts I own.
Now, Victor, think about this concept and make some notes as suggested.
No worries, you can keep your written revelations private.
Stay tough!
Meet you in the next episode.
You are THE ONE, Victor.

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
009 Who?
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
ONE ordinary question. And a new chance to answer it. We know you are tougher than the rest. So let's bring it on, Victor. The facts will set you free.
Know Thyself!- Inscription on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi
Welcome back, Victor.
The following units will confront you with ONE particular question each.
As always in our training, there's no need to rush through it.
Take your time to reflect on what's going on with you while engaging in the content presented.
It's crucial that you have at least one first version of an answer to each question.
You can always fine-tune or completely change your answers in the future.
That's no big deal.
The only thing that won't work is having no answer at all.
So, let's smoothly move on to the first fundamental question, being
We know it's a tough one and that there are many people out there avoiding it like the plague to answer that question.
However, we also know that you are tougher than the rest, Victor.
So, let's take on this quest.
This question can be answered on different levels.
First, it's perfectly okay to start with the easy part as a warm-up.
So write down your facile personal introduction, as you might have done plenty of times before.
My name is (fill in the blank); I am (fill in the blank) years. I was born in (fill in the blank) and raised in (fill in the blank). I am a (fill in the blank) by profession, and my hobbies are (fill in the blank).
And so on and so on.
Add whatever you find is appropriate to that piece of content.
Now Get Real!
After that, let's leave the surface and go to a much deeper level.
Rather than telling your vita, let's go for your real identity.
Strip away all the titles and labels society might specify and start telling yourself about the real you.
Who are you beyond your labels of an entrepreneur, an employee, a father, a mother, a husband, a wife, and so on?
Who are you beyond the labels of the ideologies you were raised in?
Who are you beyond the brands others have given you and that you have accepted?
Listen carefully to what comes up as you present yourself with this same question over and over again.
Write down whatever comes to your mind without judging or rejecting it.
There's a good chance that some answers will be painful to you.
However, those are usually the most valuable ones.
You might, for example, find that you are a bloody cheater because you've been cheating on your wife for many years.
Or you might find that you are a greedy pig because you've been bingeing enough to gain 40 pounds overweight.
Remember, you are not performing your pitch here.
You are not painting the shiniest picture of yourself.
Dare to tell yourself the fucking truth.
Stop lying, Victor!
You promised yourself to stop lying, didn't you?
So, bravely face the answers that come up when you repeatedly ask yourself:
You might even recall some old and deep dogmas like that you're not competent enough on any given subject.
Or, that no matter what you do, you will never be enough because your parents have told you so.
Or that no one will ever truly love or care about you because you've been divorced several times.
Or that you are a financial loser because all your businesses have failed so far.
Get real. Get raw. Get radical.
Bluntly jot down what you think about who you are.
Who am I beyond the fucking labels, titles, and brands?
Drop the mask, Victor!
And Stop lying!
That's the purpose of this unit.
Write the naked truth about yourself and who you think you are.
Write about YOUR reality.
The facts will set you free.
But only if you face them.
Write YOUR story.
While doing that, you may discover a certain meta-revelation.
You are the story you most believe about yourself.
You are who you believe yourself to be.
We invite you to think about this statement too.
Occasionally, your individual answers to the short question
may result in some longer text.
However, review those answers when finished and manage to recap them to a shorter line of code.
Enjoy!, Victor!
The facts will set you free.
Here we go.
Over to you, Victor!
Take some time to give yourself the answers to that fundamental question.
Code Line Suggestion
I am the story that I tell and believe about myself the most.
I am who I believe myself to be.
I won't allow others to tell who I am.
Go ahead, Victor.
Meet you in the next episode.
You are THE ONE.

Friday Oct 27, 2023
010 Why?
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Here it is, Victor. That ONE big question. And you need at least an interim answer to win and win back your life. Let's go!
The two most important days in life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. - Mark Twain
Welcome back, Victor.
The next fundamental question we'd like to bring to your attention is this:
Why are you, and why are you here?
Yes, that's right.
It's THAT ONE essential question philosophers of all ages have been asking.
It's THE big question about the purpose of life.
Of YOUR life, to be precise.
Besides any biological reason, WHY do you exist?
No worries, we will keep this concept short enough again.
So here we go.
Asking Qualified Questions
The pursuit of the answer to the question
has led humans down all kinds of intellectual, philosophical, religious, spiritual, and esoteric paths, looking and searching for revelation.
When you compare all those countless concepts, you will find that there's one common denominator shining through all of them.
As it happens, all these traditions, sages, all these wise men and women eventually will point you to the idea of listening to some kind of inner guidance.
While some name it "God," others simply call it "The Voice" or have given it many other names.
The overall idea is that this inner voice, sooner or later, will ultimately answer any qualified question for you.
All you have to do is to ask appropriately.
Even the answer to that ONE BIG question
should come from your inner voice only and never from an external source.
The problem once again is the matter of time running out.
While you can certainly sit and meditate for years on
waiting for the answer, the clock is ticking with no mercy.
Memento Mori, Victor.
That's why we suggest looking for the answer while you are already in motion.
After all, there are only two options at this time.
You either already have a compelling answer to that fundamental question
Thus, an answer you are fully satisfied with.
If so, you can easily add it as a code line to your personal codebook.
Or, you don't have a reasonable answer yet.
However, to win and win back your life, you need at least an interim response to
Otherwise, you won't move at all or waste your resources by running in any useless direction.
Hence, in case you are still searching, let us suggest a preliminary answer that might serve you well for the moment.
Indeed, it's the one many INVICTUS members have chosen as their ultimate answer to the question
Remember, it is still a suggestion for you.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
Many of us consider the answer about the purpose of life as just one single and global word:
Thus, the idea is that you are here to expand, to progress, to become more.
Thriving to be more tomorrow than you were yesterday.
"Becoming more," however, can have an entirely different meaning for everyone.
We will go into detail about this in some advanced training units.
Meanwhile, if you like, think about whether "expansion" might be as well your answer to the great question of humankind:
Whatever your answer to that question is, write it down in your codebook.
Over to you, Victor!
Find at least an interim answer to that fundamental question:
Code Line Suggestion
I am here to expand, to progress, to grow, and to become more.
Move along, Victor.
Meet you in the next episode of the INVICTUS Pepcast.
You are THE ONE.

Friday Oct 27, 2023
011 What?
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
It's dreamtime, Victor. So, let's welcome the fairy and go wild with all your wishes.
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.- Steve Jobs
Alright, Victor.
You've just phrased the first version of your life's purpose.
Kudos to you!
This really puts you aside from most of the other players out there.
It's a tremendous step to stop the drift, make the shift, and do the lift.
You are straight on your one-way trip.
Emerging from the position of prey to the position of the hunter.
Chances are that your purpose is somewhat along the lines of expansion, progression, growth, and becoming more.
As an intelligent human being, you might instantly ask what the fuck this could mean in concrete terms.
On what should I expand?
What kind of progression should I aim for?
In which field should I grow?
Becoming more in WHAT?
So here we go with the next fundamental question:
Now, once again - it is YOUR life.
So the answers to all those questions are totally up to you.
Do not allow anyone else to answer them for you.
Instead, let's use a classical coaching tool to assist you in finding your preferred fields of expansion and growth.
The wishlist is exactly what the name suggests.
It's a list of all your wishes.
So imagine one graceful fairy landing on your lap, granting you every wish realistic or unrealistic.
Take a clean piece of paper and jot down everything that comes to your mind about what you want from life.
There are no limits to your wishlist.
It can contain any material thing like a specific car, a house in a certain place, or 5 million Dollars in your bank account.
Also, put everything immaterial on your list, like overall health, a great relationship with your mother-in-law, many children, a slim body, love and light, or world peace.
Just keep on writing, filling your list with every wish that comes up when you ask yourself:
Write your wishlist and keep it for further reference.
Code Line Suggestion
There is so much I can get from life.
Over to you, Victor.
Start writing.
And only move to the next episode once you have created a proper wishlist.
Meet you there.
You are THE ONE.

Saturday Oct 28, 2023
012 What Not?
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Let's face the naked truth, Victor. You've tolerated too much fcking bullshit for decades. It's time to go hard or go home.
When angry, count four.When very angry, swear.
- Mark Twain
Welcome back, Victor.
So you just made a nice fairy-driven wishlist for your life, right?
Do you know the problems with those wishlists and why they are useless for most of us?
Want to know the reason many classical coaching concepts never work?
Here's why.
There are no fairies.
Sorry to tell you so.
Life will not grant you anything from your list as long as you don't take specific action toward it.
The list you made is pure fiction and fantasy.
It's nothing but a list of nice-to-haves.
It's a list of dreams.
None of them will ever come true if you don't 'make' them come true.
So, forget the concept of sitting and waiting and dreaming.
Remember, time is running out.
Memento Mori.
Every second you spend in fantasy land is one second less to take action.
Sure, you can keep your wishlist for reference.
No problem, Victor.
However, we encourage you to focus on the facts rather than on fiction.
Thus, we will present you with a much more powerful tool at this point.
Let's call it the FCK YOU List.
Once more, this list is precisely what the name suggests.
It contains everything that you would loudly shout 'Fck You!' on.
Put on that list everything you are not willing to tolerate any longer.
List everything and everyone that makes you sick.
We encourage you to reveal to yourself the naked truth of your life and the things that are holding you back.
That's what makes the difference.
The Fck You List is not about fiction and fantasy.
It's about the current facts.
It's not about things you wish.
It's about things that ARE.
So stop right there with being a victim of your dreams.
Instead, look at the facts as ugly as they might be and become the master of your facts.
Stop lying!
Again, we urge you to leave behind the game of lying, Victor.
The purpose of this drill is to set you free.
It's the facts that will set you free, not the fiction.
We are already in the process of building your armory and preparing for your prison break.
The Fck You List is a crucial part of that armament.
You've tolerated so much fcking bullshit for decades.
You've been spending so much time figuring out someone else's formula, following someone else's ideas.
You've lived so far beneath your potential, beneath your means, beneath what you deserve, beneath what you know you could create.
You've been hiding and sedating yourself, quietening the voice that's been calling you for so long.
It's time to look in the mirror, Victor.
To actually face yourself.
And to face those prison-break questions.
Take your time on this.
Do not rush through it.
Do not underestimate this powerful tool.
You are about to take the first steps on your road to freedom.
It's worth truly determining what's wrong with your life.
Go hard or go home.
It's okay to dislike what shows up in your life.
It's okay to get angry and to use explicit language here.
It's not the time to be diplomatic.
It's time to get real, raw, and radical.
If you need inspiration, here are some examples from other Victors.
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I refuse to run the rat race.
Fck you, high cholesterol.
I refuse to live in this fcked-up marriage.
I hate to be broke.
I refuse to take orders from other people.
I refuse to waste my time with those false friends.
I don't want to live in slavery any longer.
Fck you, debts.
I refuse to live on drugs.
I'm sick and tired of my job that barely pays my rent.
Fck you, Facebook.
I'm sick and tired of being overweight (I'm fat as a walrus)
I hate those useless conversations with my family.
Fck you, Carl (Husband)
Fck you, Sally (Co-worker)
I hate you, cancer.
I hate to disappoint myself.
I hate smoking.
I hate my fat belly.
I refuse to suffer from financial obedience.
I hate to have no real goals in life.
Fck the government.
Fck the fear.
It's time to clearly illustrate what really fcks your life up, Victor.
Tell yourself the truth.
Stop lying.
Start writing.
Put the naked truth on paper and keep your Fck You List for further reference.
Code Line Suggestion
I won't tolerate all that bullshit any longer.
I'm going to be the master of the facts.
Now over to you, Victor.
Take your time to write your all-embracing Fck You List.
It's a crucial tool to have at hand when heading for freedom.
Meet you in the next episode of the INVICTUS Pepcast.
Remember, you are THE ONE.

Thursday Nov 02, 2023
013 The Holy Grail
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Here it is, Victor.
The Holy Grail of your life. Your prison break won't ever work without it.
He who has a why to live for,can bear almost any how.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
The Holy Grail
Alright, Victor!
You've set another important framework.
Somewhere between your wishlist and your Fck You List, there lies your life's sweet spot.
In addition, you have already phrased the first version of your answer to the BIGGEST question in a previous unit.
Today, let's nail it.
So that you can determine it as clearly as possible - The Holy Grail of YOUR life.
Your life's purpose.
Your life's purpose is the ONE BIG THING in your life.
While you can certainly have many projects, there should be only ONE purpose behind all of them.
Your purpose serves as your guiding star or compass, so having more than ONE purpose in life makes absolutely no sense.
Your ONE and ONLY purpose will lead you to
choose the right projects,
set the proper priority,
boost your productivity,
control your progress,
and determine your profit.
Your purpose is the foundation of everything you want to achieve in life.
Just research the most successful people in any given field, and you will always find that they have a clear purpose.
Purpose is THE ONE THING that keeps you on track so that you won't need much discipline, willpower, or any other mystical ingredient.
When building and working with a team (which we will be discussing soon), you want to look for people with a high and clear purpose.
Only THEY will ensure that your team works productively and progresses constantly.
Purpose makes things easy.
Purpose is about where you are going, while priority is what is important to get there.
Productivity, on the other hand, is actually doing the right things to follow your purpose.
Think of a holiday trip to the mountains.
Your desire to get there represents your purpose.
You will identify one prioritized step after the other, like booking the hotel, buying equipment, checking the car, et cetera.
Eventually, you will get productive by executing everything in the right order.
Until you finally reach your destination, hence enjoying the profit of your practice.
Take the purpose (the desire to be on vacation in the mountains) out of the equation.
You will instantly find that the pursued result is nearly impossible.
No priority, progression, or profit without purpose.
Successful holiday mission completion is easy.
Well, so is basically every other mission completion, as long as it is purpose-driven.
It goes even deeper.
Who we are (remember, the story that we tell about ourselves.)
And where we want to go (aka our purpose.)
Determine what we do (or don't do.)
And therefore, where we will end up in life.
A life lived on a deliberate, self-chosen purpose is the most powerful life of all.
And presumably, it's the only one worth living.
Purpose is power.
Always knowing what matters to you both gives and saves you power.
While focusing on the actions aligned with your purpose, you can quickly go all in and avoid all the other bullshit.
A defined life's purpose will speed up things because you will make faster decisions.
That means you will frequently be the first decision-maker, granting you the best options.
Even when things get tough, purpose is your life-saver.
It will instantly guide you to rethink, react, and redirect.
So that you can easily take a new path that leads you again toward - well, your purpose.
So, no chance to argue, right?
Before you start any mission, have a clear purpose.
And since your life itself should be your most important mission far and wide, be sure to have a hell of a life purpose.
Start leading your life on purpose, Victor.
Think about the concept presented while looking back at all the code lines you have written until here.
Do you agree that your life is worthy enough to be led with a clear purpose?
If the answer is 'Yes,' today's code lines may be the most important ones in your entire codebook.
It's your Holy Grail, Victor.
Code Line Suggestion
I choose to lead my life with a clear purpose.
Over to you, Victor.
Before you head over to the next episode, make sure to have about 30 minutes spare in a quiet environment with no disturbance.
Meet you there.
Remember, you are THE ONE.

Saturday Nov 04, 2023
014 Living On Purpose
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Learn the magic question to identify your ONE THING in life.
Your purpose in life is to find your purposeand give your whole heart and soul to it. - Buddha
Welcome back, Victor.
Once you decide to live your life with a clear purpose, you might want to identify what this really means.
What could your life's purpose be? Let's keep things easy while introducing a powerful concept to you.
In fact, there is ONE magic question that, in some variations, will help you to find your focus and priority in any given situation.
Regarding your life's purpose, the focus question can be phrased exactly like this:
What's the ONE thing I can do in my life that would mean the most to me and the world, such that by doing it, everything else would be easier or unnecessary?
Let us repeat that.
What's the ONE thing I can do in my life that would mean the most to me and the world, such that by doing it, everything else would be easier or unnecessary?
Many people receive an instant answer once they ask themselves this particular question.
And that is again a fantastic thing from your inside power:
Even if you have never consciously thought about your life's purpose, your unconscious mind has always guided you in the right direction.
So you won't start with empty hands.
Are you open to the idea that you arrived on this planet with a specific purpose already?
Anyway, we'll work on rediscovering your purpose in 5 easy steps.
Those steps are writing exercises, so make sure to spare about 30 minutes in a quiet environment before you move on.
Really, Victor, take your time on this.
This will, in all likelihood, be the most important 30 minutes in your life.
Remember Mark Twain?
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."
Well, today is one of them.
30 minutes spare in privacy?
Stop Lying, Victor.
Alright, here we go.
Be prepared to pause the audio after listening to each of the five steps and only continue listening once you have finished each task.
On the spot and without any prior preparation, list 4 to 5 activities that you are enthusiastic about.
These could be those you engage in at your workplace, with your family or community, or as a hobby, sport, etc.
Feel free to mix and match the activities you've thought of without assigning any particular order or spending too much time thinking about them.
Simply write down whatever comes to mind initially.
Pause the audio and GO!
In the same manner, swiftly jot down 4 to 5 results that you are passionate about.
Again, those may pertain to your work, your family, community, the environment, other people, etc.
Avoid dwelling on it too much.
Suppose you find yourself trying to decide whether or not you are passionate about a particular outcome.
In that case, it's okay to skip it and focus on something instantly resonating with you.
Pause the audio and GO!
Without overthinking it, from the previous lists, mark the ONE activity and the ONE outcome most meaningful to you.
Again, no rational dwelling on anything.
Just quick and dirty from your instinctive brain.
Pause the audio and GO!
Now it's time to knit it all together while making use of the magic ONE question being:
"What is the ONE thing I can do in my life that would mean the most to me in the world, such that by doing it, everything else would be easier or unnecessary?"
Phrase your answer to that question while implementing the items marked in step 3.
By doing so, you may or may not uncover a potential connection between your ONE most meaningful activity and your ONE most meaningful outcome.
This might feel strange at the first moment.
However, something will be in it since you've worked somewhat from your unconscious mind.
Pause the audio and GO!
Congrats on finishing the very first written version of your life's purpose.
Yes, that's exactly what you just did!
This initial draft doesn't have to be perfect.
However, you made another huge step.
So, keep that written piece for further reference.
The final step is to finetune your purpose statement.
Contact a trusted friend, relative, or coworker, and inquire about what stands out to them when they contemplate your life's purpose.
Listen to what they say and see if there's something you want to integrate into your purpose statement.
However, you don't have to.
After that, check your purpose by reading it out loud a few times.
How does it feel?
Can you shorten or simplify it?
Can it be more straightforward?
No need to enforce.
If you are fine with any version, that's perfectly acceptable.
Just express it in a way that feels most resonant with you.
Still, it is 'YOUR unique life' and 'YOUR unique life's purpose.'
Go. and USE IT!
You now have a feasible answer to the ONE question:
What's the ONE thing I can do in my life that would mean the most to me and the world, such that by doing it, everything else would be easier or unnecessary?
Make sure to write the answer as a bold code line in your codebook.
In addition, you can hang it on your fridge or your mirror and use it as a screensaver on any display.
Take care that your life's purpose is always on your mind.
Conscious - and even more important - unconscious.
Your purpose statement doesn't have to be perfect.
Just stick with the respective best version.
You can ask the magic ONE question again anytime and modify your statement if appropriate.
Now that you have your life's purpose clear, things will get easier day by day.
You will enjoy more clarity, sharpness, and satisfaction in your life.
You will move faster.
You will experience greater results that align perfectly with what really matters to you.
In the following seasons, we will train you to harness your mighty purpose power.
Keep in mind that your unique purpose statement is never comparative or competitive.
It's not meant to impress others.
It is your individual guiding star.
It's there to serve you alone.
You will always know you're on the right path if it evokes pleasant emotions within you.
Enjoy the feeling of again being in alignment with who you are.
Welcome home, Victor.
Phrase your life's purpose statement and add it to your codebook.
Code Line Suggestion
My life's purpose is (fill in the blank)
And this concludes season 1 of the INVICTUS Pepcast.
You did a killer job, and we can't wait to welcome you in season 2.
Well done, Victor.
You truly are THE ONE.